Community Events

Community Events

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  • A police officer and a nurse are standing next to each other in a pharmacy

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Giving back to the community

  • A collage of people and a bus that says palms pharmacy

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Palms Pharmacy Helps Rebuild Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria

  • A group of people posing for a picture with mountains in the background.

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USF MCOM's Latin American Medical Student Association

  • Palms pharmacy is hosting a back to school bash

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Back to School Bash @Cobb theatres

  • A group of people standing in front of a small business

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  • A group of people standing behind a counter in a pharmacy.

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CBD awareness event

  • A row of folding chairs filled with green bags in a pharmacy.

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CBD awareness event

  • A collage of people standing in front of a palms pharmacy

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Community Event at Palms Pharmacy

  • A woman stands in front of a palms pharmacy sign

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Back to School 2019

  • A man in a green team palms pharmacy shirt stands in front of a bangkok sign

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Team Palms Pharmacy in Bangkok!

  • A man and a woman are posing for a picture in front of a sign that says community

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Councilman Visit

  • A group of people are standing around a table in front of a palms pharmacy sign.

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Back To School

  • A woman is giving a presentation at an ideashare event

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  • A group of women are posing for a picture in a pharmacy.

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  • A group of people are posing for a picture in front of a stone wall.

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  • A group of people in scrubs are posing for a picture in a pharmacy.

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  • Two people are standing in front of a sign for epps park.

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  • A group of people in scrubs are posing for a picture.

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Our Team

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